How did Frida Kahlo's work influence the making of the Movie?

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Hello to all I have a Project that I am doing for my "Art Appreciation" Course the Project is to Watch the Movie "Frida" starting Salma Hayek and to answer this in One Page.. "How did Frida Kahlo's work influence the making of the movie and how it made the movie better?" If someone could kind of help me to answer this question it would be great. The question to me seems a bit odd? I am not really comprehending my professor purpose in this project. 

asked Jul 30, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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The movie was not really about her art but about her and how her life influenced her work not how her work influenced the movie. Plus it was so "Hollywood" much of it was bs and not the truth about her. Her husband was screwing her sister, Frida was screwing others and still finding time to paint. Try to change the move based on its quality, veracity and quality, if possible.
answered Jul 30, 2013