Look around your house and find an item with a color scheme that you like. It can be a tablecloth, comforter, a tie or the colors on your sofa. Additionally, find inspiration to help you pick colors for an interior decorating project in your kitchen. Look at your favorite china set or even a vase.
Take the item you want to use as your inspiration and stand in front of it. According to Lynette Jennings, author of "Straight Talk on Decorating from Lynette Jennings," close your eyes for a few seconds. Open your eyes and notice which color jumps out at you when you first open your eyes. That's the color you want for your primary color. Use this color to paint the walls. If the color is too bold for the walls, dilute it with a bit of white paint to make it a shade or two lighter. If painting the walls is not part of your decorating project, use the primary color when picking larger furniture items or window treatments.
Repeat the process and take note of which color you notice second after opening your eyes. Do this a third time, and pick a third color. Use these two colors for accessories such as lampshades, vases, pillows or flowers.
Select wall art that has the three colors you picked. It's OK if there's an extra color; simply ignore it. Follow the same rule when choosing area rugs, pillows or chairs.