In early japanese history, why during the heian period did japane experience seclusion?

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this is a question for a final coming up that my instructor gave us to work on, however i can't figure it out, i can see why during the Edo period there was seclusion. but during the heian period i do not know. i do know that there was a time during this period when it was all artsy fartsy and people were starting to get creative with there writing of novels and paintings. but this really perplex's me.
asked Jul 17, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

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Up to that period about 800ad the Chinese influence had been Paramount but about that time it went out of favour and in came the period of the massive influence of the Fujiwara family and a period of Great culture Buddhism became the new religion and peace bloomed art painting poetry became the new way and to this day that period is looked on as the golden times , it lasted about four hundred years , it also heralded the new warrior class Samaria controlled be the shogunate . Because of that period of peace invasions of other races stopped and japan settled into seclusion , but like all peaceful nations is denigrated into listlessness and lack of control at the end of the heian period there was hardly any law and the country was falling into anarchy it was when the shogunate took over control and Japan became warlike again .
answered Jul 17, 2013
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They were so great that maybe people were afraid of them and did not want to mess with them.
answered Jul 17, 2013