Diego Velazquez and Las Hilanderas?

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What was Diego Velazquez doing when created or was inspired to create the work of Las Hilanderas? Who influenced him? Did he contribute to an artistic or social movement?
asked Jul 16, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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This is a late work, probably painted when Velazquez held a prestigious court appointment, and the circumstances of its commission are somewhat mysterious. However, the general scholarly view is that it is an allegory of artistic creation, with the myth of Athena and Arachne in the background of the tapestry workshop underscoring this interpretation. See below. (You'll need to read up on the myth, too.)

Velazquez was an extremely important representative of the Spanish Baroque, though his work was much influenced by his study of Italian Baroque developments. I've added another site on his career in general.


answered Jul 16, 2013
0 votes
I only know the answer to one of these questions. He did contribute to an artistic movement. Las Hilanderas inspired the painting Charles IV of Spain and His Family.
answered Jul 16, 2013