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When did Picasso develop his painting style?

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Pablo Picasso was one of the most prolific and successful artists. His work encompassed a number of different styles. I was just wondering when did Picasso develop his painting style?  

asked Jun 2, 2013 in History

1 Answer

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Best answer

During the early part of the twentieth century, prior to the invention of Cubism, Picasso developed his art in what are now generally called the Blue, Rose, and African periods. The first two of these periods are dominated by melancholy portraits of boys, harlequins, and bereft women. The African period expressed Picasso's discovery of and fascination with the sculpture and designs of Africa. These periods culminated in one of Picasso's most famous oil painting, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.

answered Jun 2, 2013
selected Jun 2, 2013