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How to Paint Chinese Calligraphy

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asked May 30, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

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Chinese calligraphy writing is an art that has been around for centuries. Calligraphy is practiced by masters who have studied the techniques of writing. There are eight basic strokes in Chinese calligraphy, and the length, direction and placement of the strokes are very important to the proper execution of each letter. If your goal is to replicate the look of the letters without the required expertise, you will be satisfied with the letters you produce using the basic strokes.
Lay out your paper and brushes. Place a few drops of ink in the bowl.
Practice the strokes before attempting to write a letter. These strokes include: dot, dash, vertical downstroke, left downstroke, right downstroke, hook, twist and right upstroke. Each stroke should be executed with one brushstroke and most are thicker at the starting point, tapering to a point where the stroke ends and the brush is lifted from the paper.
Practice the letters you want on your painting. The strokes should all go in the same direction. If your letter uses strokes that are down and to the left, the dots should follow the same pattern.
Write your letters on the paper for your finished painting once you have practiced them until they are the way you want them. Remember Chinese writing is read top to bottom rather than left to right.
answered May 30, 2013
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Learn Chinese symbols for "communities" with tips on writing and pronouncing Chinese characters from a Chinese language teacher in this free video on Chinese words and phrases.
Chinese writing is very different from most other languages in the world. In the Chinese writing system, Chinese symbols represent each character which corresponds to a single spoken syllable. A majority of words in all modern varieties of Chinese require two or more characters to write. Many Chinese characters were adopted according to their meaning by the Japanese and Korean languages to represent native words, disregarding pronunciation altogether. Chinese characters are also considered to be the world's longest continuously used writing system.
answered Jun 3, 2013