Good paints you would recommend?

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So ive been drawing my whole life using pencil and now I want to use some color. I bought some markers and colored pencils (the cheap artist's loft kind. I really want copic markers and prismacolor colored pencils but they're so expensive). I tried using watercolor and I like them but I really like how I can shade so smoothly with acrylic. Ive had some acrylic paints but almost all of them are completely dry.

So yeah I like a thick smooth kinda texture, not too runny and thin. And very pigmented colors. What are some good quality, and affordable ($20 max) acrylic paints with lots of colors?
asked Jul 11, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

0 votes
Good advise you have already been given. Buy as good a quality materials as you can. You will be happier with good paints good brushes and good canvas. (or the back of a gesso'ed paneling scrap when you are desperate)
I often trip through eBay just to see if there is anything worth grabbing. I once bought a ton of large tubes of acrylics for almost nothing. At the price I don't care what color they are.
good luck
answered Jul 11, 2013