What are the dimensions of Touc, seated on a table by henri de toulouse- lautrec?

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HELP i know its at the Hammer but I can't seem to find the dimensions anywhere!
asked Jul 11, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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Hi! The only measurements I could 
find associated with this painting (on
panel) was in a Google Books reference 
to the following edition:
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec by M. G. Dortu, J. A. Méric, 1981

Touc sitting on a Table 
23.5 x 14
Amsterdam, Van Wisselingh Collection

You could always contact the Hammer
to confirm this information... there is
nothing like going to the source! :)

Hammer contact information:

I hope this helps! :)

answered Jul 11, 2013