Did Frida Kahlo make use of illusionistic Surrealism and did Edvard Munch make use of Abstract surrealism?

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Or is this completely wrong because im not quite sure what the proper meaning of surrealism is.

asked Jul 9, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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I might be getting the wrong end of the stick here but....
I'm not sure that abstract surrealism can exist.
Surrealism features unexpected juxtapositions, irrational imagery etc
Abstract colours and shapes have no expected form anyhow.
Surrealists did utilise disorientating, hallucinogenic imagery to give their work the quality of a dream. 
Perhaps if you see abstract colours and shapes in Munch's work as being dream-like then you could classify those elements as abstract surrealism.
Overall Edvard Munch's paintings are figurative. In that they predominantly focus on people and they contain metaphors for, and allusions to, feelings and emotions. 
Personally, I cannot see that his work deals with the idea of surrealism or particularly abstraction. 
I think if you find that his work brings together unexpected, or dream-like elements you could say you find his work surreal. Furthermore, if you feel that any non-realistic or non-representational elements of his work generate those feelings in you, then they could constitute abstract surrealism.
Basically, if this is for an essay or something, I'd look up the words abstract, abstraction, surreal, surrealism etc and see if you can relate anything within their definitions to Munch's work. 
Then try and apply this method to the idea of Frida Kahlo + illusionistic surrealism.
Good luck!
answered Jul 9, 2013