What is the info or description of the origins of the Expressionism movement?

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If possible, can you list any famous / good artists of this movement's time? E.g. Edvard Munch (The Scream)

asked Jul 8, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

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Expressionism was developed as an avant-garde style before the First World War. It remained popular during the Weimar Republic, particularly in Berlin. The style extended to a wide range of the arts, including painting, literature, theatre, dance, film, architecture and music.
answered Jul 8, 2013
0 votes

As a movement, the term 'Expressionism' usually denotes the late-19th century, early-20th century schools of emotive or interpretive art, which emerged mainly in Germany and Paris as a reaction to the more passive style of Impressionism. Impressionist painters sought only to reproduce nature (notably the effects of sunlight), Expressionist painters sought to express their feelings about what they saw. It was a more active, more subjective type of modern art.

answered Jul 8, 2013