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What Is China Silk?

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asked Jul 8, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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China silk was originally woven by independent village weavers in China from the ultra-fine fibers that are spun by the Bombyx Mori, known as the silkworm. China silk is used today in high-end fashion garments.
Strong Fabric
The Internet Centre for Canadian Fashion and Design states that China silk is "very soft and extremely lightweight but fairly strong." Due to the fine threads, the fabric weave is extremely tight.
China silk is used as a lining material for heavier fabrics, such as wool, and also as a lining for clothing made for people who are allergic to synthetic fiber fabrics, such as polyester. Evening clothing and blouses are also constructed from the fabric.
Irregular Weave
Due to the natural imperfections in the silk worm threads, the final weave of China silk has common irregularities that may be seen with the eye. Costumers and seamstresses consider this a natural look that illustrates the natural origins of the fabric.
Garments made from China silk may be laundered by hand or dry cleaned. The fabric must then be pressed with a cool iron to avoid the risk of burning the fibers with a hot iron.
China silk shrinks when washed in all temperatures of water and also when it is dry cleaned. The fabric must be washed or dry cleaned prior to garment construction.
The fabric has a slight natural shine, but ironing to remove wrinkles creates a slick, shiny look to the fabric. A pressing cloth must be used with a commercial press or a home iron to avoid this result.
answered Jul 8, 2013