Questions about Raphael Sanzio in the Renaissance of Europe?

+1 vote
What are two famous works that Raphael made? I know one is the Resurrection of Christ and then there's Madonna with the fish, but what else is there? Also, I can't seem to find any facts about Raphael. Are there interesting facts about him? Where are the places of origin for his paintings?

Oh yeah, wasn't Raphael at one point Leonardo da Vinci's apprentice? I'm not too sure about this one though...
asked Jul 4, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

0 votes
He painted any number of famous works and any fan of his will have his own favorites, but as far as ordinary portraits are concerned his likeness of Pope Leo X is often quoted as his best. The easiest way to get info on Raphael is to go to a good library where they will have art books and books about art and any decent encyclopaedia will have all the material you need.
I have heard the story about him & Leonardo before but I don't believe there is any evidence to support it. It may have arisen because the influence of Leonardo is apparent in his portraiture, especially as the likeness of ' Maddalena Doni ' seems inspired by the Mona Lisa.
Unfortunately he does not seem to have done portraits of cats.
answered Jul 4, 2013