What can I put in my fish tank with my Striped Raphael Catfish?

+1 vote
I just bought a Striped Raphael Catfish, and I was wanting to add more fish. Any ideas?
asked Jul 4, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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The Striped Raphael Catfish or Chocolate Catfish are a good, peaceful community fish. They are friendly with nearly all other community tank mates. This includes various loaches (Yoyo, Zebra, Clown), Cypriniformes (Bala shark, Red-tail shark), and schooling fish (Tetras, Barbs) that don't stay too small. As is a fact with life, larger fish may eat the smaller fish...

Just make sure you have adequate housing for the Striped Raphael, as it can grow up to 8 inches!
answered Jul 4, 2013