What is your favorite oil painting by Claude Monet?

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Claude Monet has a lot of paintings and he is also considered to be the father of impressionism. I was thinking of buying an oil painting from this website that I bought from in the past and I'm having a hard time deciding which painting. Assuming that size and color scheme do not matter, which would you buy?

asked Jul 2, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

0 votes
"Poppy Field at Argenteuil" is a favorite of mine, but I always have liked his waterlily paintings even more. There's one with a white bridge going over a stream with waterlilies in it that I especially like. Have fun choosing!
answered Jul 2, 2013
0 votes

Probably "The Red Kerchief." I also like, "In the Woods at Giverny." Or the ever popular "Water Lilies." Best wishes.

answered Jul 2, 2013