What are the most important and/or most controversial religious artworks?

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I was just a little curious whether there are any religious painting or sculpture that are really special or controversial.. please name some :)

asked Jun 27, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

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'Christ in the house of his parents' by millais
Millais was part of the pre raphaelite group was one of their best painters the reason that this piece was so controversial at the time was that jesus was portrayed so differently hes always been known for this very clean figure, however here they have placed him in this dirty workshop with no shoes some thought this was disrespectful.
answered Jun 27, 2013
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Da Vinci's Last Supper, because of Dan Brown's books the Da Vinci Code has become a very controversial work. Even before this, there was speculation about the possiblility of a woman having been painted into the scene. 
Here is a list of 10 controversial works with photos including For the Love of God, Damien Hirst's diamond encrusted skull.

answered Jun 27, 2013