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How to Explain Indelible Ink

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asked Jun 27, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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Indelible ink is nonremovable ink. It is used in permanent markers and some drawing inks. Artists may apply it with brushes, pens, markers or quills onto paper or canvas. 
Because of it's permanence, some developing countries will use indelible ink for their elections to prevent fraud. This means people voting in elections stamp their fingerprints into the indelible ink and then mark their ballots.
The term "indelible ink", is also used to describe texts, in which the content is meant to last forever, such as the Old or New Testament.
Many indelible inks are a mixture of soots and oils. They are known as carbon inks and are the most widely used permanent inks. In classrooms and artist studios, they are also known as India or Sumi ink. Traditionally, they are black in color. These are the same inks used in Chinese scroll paintings on rice paper.
Though these inks are considered indelible, if water is spilled on the dry ink surface or if a drawing is left in the sun over time, fading may occur.
Tattoo inks and permanent makeup are also considered indelible. They are combinations of permanent ink and dye. The permanent ink is carbon-based and has been used for centuries. Tattoos that fade over time have dye mixed into the color. Dye is water soluble and made from inorganic compounds that will fade over time and may cause allergic reactions.
Artists use indelible ink to create quick studies, such as gestural-figure studies, in which a model will hold a pose for a short period of time while the artist brushes the gesture onto paper using India ink. This creates an archival study that will last for a long time. It also creates a fluidity in the artist's work because mistakes cannot be erased. Oftentimes, teachers will use this method with students to help them create confident drawing lines.
Chinese and Japanese scroll artists also prefer using indelible inks on rice paper scrolls to capture letters or scenes of nature. They use very few brush strokes during this process. Oftentimes, they will meditate for a length of time prior to making one mark, which cannot be altered.
Tattoo artists use indelible ink, though their inks are often manufactured with dyes, which lessen the lifespan of the final tattoo. It is not uncommon for people with tattoos to get their skin designs touched up to darken the color. Faded tattoos are especially common among people who spend time in the sun, as the dye mixed into the tattoo ink is not fade resistant.
Cosmetologists and dermatologists use indelible ink to apply permanent makeup, such as lipstick, eyebrows, eyeliner and even hair lines.
Anyone who has worked in an office environment, gone to school or has addressed a box more than likely has used indelible ink in the form of a marker.
While indelible ink is permanent, it is not always impossible to remove from fabric, though it is a very challenging task.
Treat the ink stain as soon as possible. If it is a fabric stain, read the label on the garment to see if there are special instructions for removal. Place the stain face down into absorbent paper towels or a clean white cloth prior to using stain remover on the area you want to clean. Stain removers are available at local supermarkets.
Make sure to not iron or place the fabric being treated into a dryer or the stain will set.
answered Jun 27, 2013