What are some of your favorite paintings that are famous or it doesn't have to be famous?

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I dont really know a lot of paintings besides Mona Lisa and Girl with a pearl earring. So I wanted to ask you for some suggestions of great paintings that are likable and well your favorite. and why do you like the painting?

asked Jun 25, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

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Fridha Kahlo makes paintings that are so intricate and personal that they seem to be poems. I love her confidence and her depth of content. There is a captivating work called "Moses" that I love of hers.

answered Jun 25, 2013
0 votes
Anything by Gauguin, Titian and Fra Angelico's small pieces. In particular, "Fish Magic" by Paul Klee. Oh, so many others!
answered Jun 25, 2013