I happened to find a medical discussion about Vincent van Gogh's health while researching his drawings. The physicians managed to get as many of van Gogh's medical records as still exist. After intent study they concluded he may have also had two or more kinds of epilepsy, on top of all his other illnesses. That he could still paint and draw the way he did is amazing. If he wasn't scathingly honest, and avid journaler, we would know nothing of this.
I'm no expert on Bi-polar disorder, but I have learned that in the manic stage, Bi-polar disorder manifests a very intensely "high" state that can cause people to stay constantly in movement and may have halucinations. My figure painting professor said van Gogh's style was like he was trying to draw with paint. If you study the brush strokes he often used in his work you can see this effect. It's very prominant in "Starry Night". So if van Gogh was experiencing visions, and that combined with his style of brush strokes, I can imagine how that would be revealed in "Starry NIght".