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How to Make Paper Firecracker Shells

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Whether you are part of the culture, or just enjoy learning about it, Chinese New Year has many fascinating traditions that enhance the celebration. One such tradition is the use of firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and to welcome the New Year. Today, symbolic firecrackers are made and decorated for the same purpose. Paper firecracker shells can also be filled with treats and goodies to be enjoyed during the festivities.
Paint each empty toilet paper tube with red paint and let it dry.
Add Chinese symbols in gold paint, such as those for the Chinese Zodiac, or symbols of good luck. Other paper firecracker shells may be decorated with pink and white lotus blossoms with green leaves, which are associated with gaining Buddha's favor.
Fill the paper firecracker shells with a small treat or a few pieces of wrapped candy if you desire.
Cut squares of gold tissue paper (4 inch by 4 inch will cover the openings of most toilet paper tubes), and tape or glue them over the holes.
Tie pieces of red or gold ribbon around one end of each paper firecracker and hang them in bunches. Give them out to children to help celebrate Chinese New Year.
answered Jun 17, 2013