The Night Cafe was made in 1888, measuring 81x65.6 cm. The passion of Vincent Van Gogh comes from the world in which he lives, and the strong reaction of people that he has known. This is not a simple reaction made by primitive people or children. His letter to write to his brother Theo is the most touching story of an artist. This letter shows that his highly sensitive perception which is in full compliance with his emotional reaction. He is keenly aware that he is striving for achieving for that effect which is gained through yellow or blue.
Although most of his concepts of color are used to express love for people and the nature, and the pleasure in the performance process, he is very sensitive to the deep colors. Therefore when talking about The Night Cafe, he said, "I try to use the red and green to show the terrible passion of humans." The Night Cafe is the nightmare which is composed of dark green ceiling, read walls and inharmonious green furniture. With a longitudinal perspective, the golden yellow floors are getting into the red background with an incredible belief. In turn, the red background is also using the equal power. This picture is the struggle which can never be reconciled between spatial perspective and the threatening colors attempt to destroy the space. The result is a claustrophobic, terror and oppressed feeling terrible experience. The work means the exploration of surrealism as a fantastic way. But there is no kind of exploration which can have such power to excite people's mind.