Bourne Jones was one of the most important painters of new pre Raphaelite school (also known as Oxford), who was the enthusiastic supporter of the pre Raphaelite ideals and practices. The mysterious elements in the pre Raphaelite art deeply attracted Bourne Jones who originally loved the myths and legends. Themed by the legend of King Arthur, the Bible, Greek mythology, Bourne Jones created a large number of romantic emotional works. A clear description to muscle, powerless posture and neutral figures were the characteristics of Bourne Jones. He used these elements to create a non-human and ultra secular art atmosphere.
This masterpiece The Beguiling Of Merlin Merlin And Vivien was a work based on the legend of King Arthur on the works: Arthur's sister lady Morgan allowed a witch called Vivienne to follow Merlin to study magic in order to destroy the Arthur Dynasty. Vivienne swindled Merlin’s love and trust and eventually used Merlin’s own magic to catch Merlin herself. This was the beginning of the Arthur Dynasty’s fading. This painting measured 186 x 111 cm, which was now collected in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight.
This painting had the quiet and rich colors, Merlin’s and Nemo’s clear muscle depiction, weak position, unclassified men’s and women’s faces and figures, and the suspended state action created a non-human and ultra secular atmosphere. All of these elements highlighted Bourne Jones’s style. Bourne Jones said in a letter to one of his friends, “I created a beautiful and romantic dream in my works which had not existed and would not exist in the future. The rays of light are more beautiful than any light in the real life. That continent did not exist in any people’s memory, which was solemn and beautiful. Can you imagine?”