Chinese painting artist: Xu Yanqing
Xu Yanqing's Biography&Awards:
Xu Yanqing male,was bron in Baoji, Shaanxi on April 3, 1965. University of culture, graduated from the Xian Academy of fine arts painting Department. He is the professional calligrapher, level Artist who is the member of the Association of Chinese painting and calligraphy, my hiep branch member, member of shuxie my hiep, Baoji city, Shaanxi Province of China, and Honorary Professor of the Chinese painting and calligraphy Institute, China International Publishing House, Editorial Advisory Board, and so on. In painting and calligraphy exhibition of works at home and abroad in grade prize 45 items. And get the world famous art certificate. A brief biography works by income "world name into the record", "world art collection", "world painter-calligrapher inscription record", etc, more than 150 kinds of painting and calligraphy festival sets. The xinhua daily telegraph "and so on the many kinds of news media have reported about him.
许砚青 男,1965年4月3日生。陕西宝鸡人。大学文化,毕业于西安美院国画系。职业书画家,一级美术师。中国书画家协会会员、中国美协陕西分会会员、宝鸡市书协美协会员、中华书画艺术研究会名誉教授、中国国际交流出版社顾问编委等。作品在国内外书画大展中共获等级奖45项。并获得世界艺术名人证书。作品有传略被收入《世界名入录》、《世界美术集》、《世界书画家铭录》等150余种书画典集。《新华每日电讯》等多种新闻媒体均曾报道过。
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