Chinese painting artist: Sun Shigong
Sun Shigong's Biography&Awards:
Sun Shigong, was born in the seventies people in Hexi. Twenties learning books, Chinesepainting and calligraphy to participate in the nineties Open University study, study book artsmore than twenty years.
孙世功 ,七十年代生,甘肃河西人。弱冠习书,九十年代参加中国书画函授大学进修,研习书艺二十余年。楷以柳公权《玄秘塔》入门,由唐入魏,于《张玄墓志》用功最久。行以《集王圣教序》入手,转而习赵子昂、王铎及宋四家,上溯晋唐,尤衷情唐李邕。旁涉篆隶,深爱《大盂鼎》之厚重,《张迁碑》之险峻。严守法度而时出己意,笔致灵动、结体大方,媚而不俗、险而不怪,富有浓郁的书卷气。先后从事过记者、编辑之职,现为职业书家。
Sun Shigong's Chinese painting:

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