The period of Sui and Tang dynasties, especially Tang dynasty, was the most prosperous time in ancient china. The society was stable and the economy was prosperous. At the same time, foreign economic and cultural exchanges developed rapidly. Therefore, paintings in Sui and Tang dynasties are known as a relatively brilliant achievement in Chinese painting history. A batch of famous and influential painters sprung up during that time.
The painting style in Sui and Tang dynasties serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. In general, paintings of that time were detailed, delicate and gorgeous. Most painters often chose religious subjects and they were good at describing life of royalty.
At the time figure painting played a significant part in the art field. Deeply influenced by Buddhist culture, most distinguished painters were expert in Buddhist paintings, though common customs also had a great influence on the themes and images of the paintings. The paintings were mainly about illustration for joyous and luxury scene. The image of figures also became more gentle and soft. In addition to Buddhist subjects, big political events and national relations often served as themes of figure paintings. Furthermore, figure painting made some achievement in lives of royal and noble families. Masterpieces of this period include Yan Liben’s works Thirteen Emperor Scroll and Imperial Carriages, Wu Daozi’s painting Portrait of the Child-giving God and Zhang Xuan’s painting Spring out of the Lady in Tang Court.
Landscape painting is a traditional Chinese painting, whose main description objects are natural sceneries. Landscape painting in Sui and Tang dynasties also gained great development. People often say that the development of landscape painting started from Wu Daozi, and accomplished by Li Sixun and Li Zhaodao. Compared with landscape painting in Six dynasties, painting of this period was more mature. Painters successfully formed the shape and charm of natural landscapes by using perspective arrangement. Their paintings provided the viewers with a good sense of space and poetic beauty of natural sceneries. For example, Zhan Ziqian’s Strolling about in Spring and Li Sixun’s Sailings in the River, Buildings and Pavilions.
In Sui and Tang dynasties, because of flower-and-bird painting’s popularity among upper classes and in the decoration of the royal court and official residences, it developed rapidly. According to the classification of Chinese paintings, animal paintings were regarded as part of flower-and-bird painting. Painters’ excellence at this kind of painting made it gain further development. Important painters include Xue ji, Bian Luan, Cao Ba and Han Gan.
The special conditions in Sui and Tang dynasties helped to bring about the comprehensive development and high achievement of the painting art.