What Are The Major Scenes Of Caillebotte's Works ?

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Gustave Caillebotte was a French painter, member and patron of the group of artists known as Impressionists. What are the major scenes of his works?
asked Jun 6, 2013 in History

1 Answer

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Caillebotte painted many domestic and familial scenes, interiors, and portraits. Many of his paintings depict members of his family; Young Man at his Window (Jeune Homme à la fenêtre) (1875) shows René in the home on rue de Miromesnil; The Orange Trees (Les orangers) (1878), depicts Martial Jr. and his cousin Zoë in the garden of the family property at Yerres; andPortraits in the Country (Portraits à la campagne) (1875) includes Caillebotte's mother along with his aunt, cousin, and a family friend. There are scenes of dining, card playing, piano playing, reading and sewing all executed in an intimate, unobtrusive manner which observes the quiet ritual of upper-class indoor life.

answered Jun 6, 2013