Chinese auction????

0 votes
Well I am 17 years old, and i want to hold a chinese auction for a fundraise. Will this be a profit?? How do i get stuff and still make a profit?? I have to rent out a hall right?? Well My parents would do that part. But this is what i am in charge or?? I am in charge of everything, from getting the baskets together and anything else? Would i have to get food?? If you ever did one did it make a profit?? And what did you put in the baskets?? Just anyhelp?? And any unique basket ideas??? Anything you think will help, thanks.
asked Sep 5, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

0 votes
you can ask people in school to donate stuff. in my sisters school they hold a fashion show every year. and to the side they sell raffle tickets for you to buy to put in boxes next to all the baskets. 
some basket ideas are:
techi basket: ipod stuff, cds, and things like that
night at the movies: gift certificates to a movie theater, dvds, popcorn, candy
chocoholics basket: all chocolate things
gardening basket: gardening tools
some people also donated some weeks at their timeshares in puerto rico
some people donated sports tickets if they had season tickets
there are paintings there 
really anything that you can get people to donate!
if you get enough stuff im sure you can make some sort of a profit.. make sure you tell your parents to tell wherever you're holding the fundraiser that it is a fundraiser... they might give you some sort of a discount!
answered Sep 5, 2013
0 votes
A Chinese auction? Of what??
answered Sep 5, 2013