What are the names of traditional chinese and japanese drawings?

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What are the original names? Where can i find lots of pictures and drawings? Is there a webpage with tons of these?
asked Jul 25, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world.
Painting in the traditional style is today known in Chinese as guó huà 国画, meaning 'national' or 'native painting'.
There are mainly two techniques in Chinese painting, which are
* Meticulous - Gong-bi (工筆) often referred to as "court-style" painting
* Freehand - Shui-mo (水墨) loosely termed watercolour or brush painting. The Chinese character "mo" means ink and "shui" means water. This style is also referred to as "xie yi" (寫意) or freehand style.
Yamato-e (大和絵) is a style of Japanese painting inspired by Tang dynasty paintings and developed in the late Heian period. It is considered the classical Japanese style
answered Jul 25, 2013