What do people mean when they say they love asian culture?

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I'm an actual asian and I don't get what they're fawning over. I live my life as a "white person" would except I talk to my parents in a different language.
asked Jul 24, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

4 Answers

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Food is probably the most obvious thing, eating with chop sticks.
I think a lot of guy's have an asian women fetish thing going.
Philosophy for those who are kind of deep... Lao Tzu, Confucius, Sun Tzu, Bushido Code, Zen Buddhism 
Asian martial arts are a big draw for a lot of young guy's
Movies... especially martial arts movies... Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li
Anime cartoons
Feng Sui... those who like to decorate their homes, Chinese calligraphy, paintings of plum blossoms, coy fish, and bamboo.
Bonsai and flower arrangement, ponds, fountains, lanterns, raking patterns in sand (gardening)
Playing the Game of Go (weiqi), drinking tea, meditating.
Watching acrobats, Taiko drums, Lion Dance which most call a dragon. 
What they usually don't mean are the rude people who talk really loud. People who shove into or cutting in front of people in lines. People who J-walk into the street with heavy traffic. Spitting on the sidewalks. Hanging laundry out over public streets. Buying live animals out of cages and buckets infront of small markets.... to cook for dinner. Bringing food, incense, and a bunch of paper to burn infront of a dead relatives grave stone.
answered Jul 24, 2013
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I deal with whites more than I deal asian, I find whites say that try to make u feel comfortable when u with them, actually means very little. The whites that like Asian Culture is they decorate their home with Asian painting, furniture, and they even dress in Asian clothes when they at home.
answered Jul 24, 2013
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They love our food, dance, music, language, tradition. Any one of those would do. BTW im asian and i have a white guy as a friend (no racism intended) so belive me i know.
answered Jul 24, 2013
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well, i'm asian and i like the chinese culture.
answered Jul 24, 2013