What art media and techniques is Claude Monet known to have used?

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Also did Claude Monet create land/cityscapes, abstracts, or non-objectives? What seems to be Claude Monets favorite subject matter?
asked May 30, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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Monet painted landscapes, cityscapes (only a few of those, though) and people. He seemed to particularly enjoy painting women and landscapes. He was an impressionist and painted mainly with oil paints and canvas, using very characteristic small strokes and dabs of paint. Many of his paintings transmit a tranquil, soft feeling to the beholder because of this. He generally didn't use strongly contrasting colors or very strong colors, either. (but he did use the latter occasionally).
answered May 30, 2013
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claude Monet is often considered the father of impressionsim he often used oil paints and strong brush strokes look at some of his paintings like one of the pond in 1869 this is often considered the start of impressionsim. he ussaully did landscapes because his mentor Bodin loved that

answered May 30, 2013