What are Chinese Ink Painting Techniques

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The art of Chinese ink painting combines the ink, ink stone, brush and paper, which are collectively called "the four treasures of the library." The art is meditative and seeks to promote inner character and peace, and allow you to express yourself with a simple and pleasing painting. Basic styles, subjects, brushes and inks give character and a pleasing aesthetic to Chinese ink paintings.
Ink Stick and Stone
To make your ink, you need an ink stick. The ink stick is made from pine soot, musk, vegetable oil and other aromatics. The ink stone is a smooth stone with a small well to catch the ink. Grind the ink stick on the stone in a circular motion, adding a little water as you grind. Grind only the amount of ink you will need for one painting session. Don't leave ink on the stone to dry. Grind your ink in a slow, deliberate manner.
There are three types of brushes for painting and two types for writing or calligraphy. Brushes are made from animal hair stiffened with glue sizing, and are attached to bamboo handles. The brushes are larger than traditional water color brushes, and can hold more than one color of ink. Choose a soft brush for painting flowers, leaves and bamboo. Use a light, quick stroke, holding your brush perpendicular to the paper. Rougher brushes are used for painting mountains and landscapes. Soak new brushes in cold water to remove the sizing. Hang your brushes down so that they retain their shape, or store them flat.
Paper for Chinese ink painting is very smooth paper that will almost resist the ink. Though it is called rice paper in the West, it is actually made from bamboo. Experiment with paper for kind of effect that you want in your painting. You can also use standard water color paper. Good quality paper will show every brush stroke that you make with various textures and depth. You can also paint on silk tacked to a frame. Paint the design on silk, roll the silk and steam it; the silk is then stretched, framed and matted.
Play some meditative traditional Chinese background music for your painting session. Have herb tea and burn some incense to get you in a contemplative mood. Chinese ink painting will reveal your individuality and give you a new style of painting to enjoy.
answered Jun 24, 2013