What is the most popular oil painting in the world?

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I was wondering what is the most popular oil painting in the world and who is the artist?

asked May 28, 2013 in Artworks

4 Answers

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Mona Lisa might be the most recognizable painting but the most popular painting in the world today is Starry Night by Van Gogh. You can see it on http://www.artisoo.com.

answered May 28, 2013
0 votes

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. Movies and books have been made as
a subject about this painting.

answered May 28, 2013
0 votes

Itotaly agree it's got to be the mona lisa.

answered May 28, 2013
0 votes

As mentioned before the Mona Lisa by DaVinci, I've seen it in real life and it's not as big as you would think! It's about the size of an A4 piece of paper, and unfortunately it has to be protected by glass due to people trying to deface it, which I cannot understand. The glass does visually impair it somewhat but it's still a great piece. Although as with all art pieces, a picture in a book is no match for viewing the real life thing!

answered May 28, 2013